The weary, restless eyes that have endured a thousand autumns—eyes that have watched seasons shift, time slip away, and life fade into a haze of yearning—may once again glow with soft, cool smiles. These smiles, tender yet distant, carry the quiet warmth of cherished memories and the faint, frosty echo of dreams once held dear. It feels as though a gathering of poems is about to begin, as if the unspoken words of the heart are finally ready to rise and swirl like leaves in an autumn breeze.
It seems there will be a knock again—a gentle, familiar tap at the door of the soul, shattering the stillness that has lingered for far too long. The silence, once heavy and unchanging, will take flight, like a bird breaking free from the chains of solitude. The tranquil glow of the moonlit night will return, not in utter silence, but with a delicate, rhythmic melody—with chham-chham—like the soft patter of dew on petals or the hushed footsteps of someone long awaited.
It seems… there will be a knock again. A knock that will awaken the soul, rekindle forgotten hopes, and remind us that even in the deepest quiet, life has a way of returning—softly, persistently, and with a beauty that lingers in the heart.