Why We Shouldn’t Cover Our Senses: A Philosophical Take

My dear friend, Monkey

I am very sorry that i don’t agree with you when you put your hands on your eyes and say BURA MAT DEKHO, when you put your hands on your mouth and say BURA MAT BOLO, when you put your hands on your ears and say BURA MAT SUNO.

Sorry, my dear monkey i don’t agree.

Wait-wait, wait I agree with your every thought behind those words. But the thing with which I don’t agree is the use of HANDS. Why you are using hands the work of hand is not this? Are you showing me mime? If yes, its okay. I know that you are always good in mime.

I have different opinion, if the GOD has given us eye lids then what’s the need of hand to cover  our eyes, if the GOD has given us lips then what’s the need of hands to not let it open.

I know that you will ask me about ears that there are no covers are present there for it.

If the GOD, the mighty doesn’t gave the covers for the ears to any of the living organism then who are we to cover them.
Dear monkey there is another thing as well that why you haven’t kept your hands on your nose and not said that BURA MAT SUNGHO.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Jokes apart, the way the GOD has made us is perfect. The GOD doesn’t provide us covers for our ears and our nose so that we can listen the sounds of this beautiful nature and feel the scants of it.

  • [ ] If you find something good in your listening and if you feel contented with odour smelled by your nose then you can open your eyes and enjoy that thing and see it and say about it everywhere and to everyone.
  • [ ] If you find something not good in your listening and the smell is uneven to your nose then there is no need to open your eyes and your mouth.
  • [ ] But if you are not able to understand about the sound or odour whether it is good or not then you can open your eyes and try to understand it by observing  and are free to ask questions related to it.

This is how our GOD gives us message how to live and learn through our body.

It’s my opinion.

Oh Ho i am duffer that i forgot to ask about you and your family. How they are doing? I hope you must be jumping over and over trees and eating to much of bananas and mangoes. And I, 100% sure that you still didn’t start to go for school.

With love